  • 21 Sept, 2023
  • By - Admin

MCDC Empowering young girls

Many young girls face significant obstacles that jeopardize their education and future prospects. These challenges include financial barriers, as the inability to afford school fees often forces girls to discontinue their education. Additionally, inadequate access to sanitary pads can lead to reduced number of attendance in school during menstruation, hindering academic progress and caused by shame and cause of discomfort amongst other students. This leads to the out growing numbers of teen pregnancies, early marriages and thus the vicious circle of poverty again because they are too young and un skilled to take care of the families.

In response to these complex issues, MCDC has established empowerment clubs dedicated to nurturing young girls and equipping them with essential skills for self-sufficiency. These clubs employ a holistic approach that encompasses income-generating activities, a supportive environment, and advocacy for protection:


Income-Generating Activities: MCDC empowers girls to develop income-generation strategies, including practical skills like rabbit rearing. This initiative fosters financial independence, enabling girls to meet their basic needs and cover school expenses.

Advocacy and Protection: MCDC plays in the role of advocating and protecting vulnerable girls, particularly those at a high-risk dropping out of school or other threats. The organization ensures that they raise out their voices, stay in school and become the future generation.

Through the establishment of these empowerment clubs, MCDC effectively addresses the financial, educational, and safety challenges that many young girls encounter. We empower them to overcome barriers and pursue brighter futures.


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